Children’s Miracle Network

Little Debbie products are a pre-packaged baked sweet snack whose target market consists mainly of school aged children. Therefore, the yearly key sales period is the Back To School season accompanied by promotional events held by most retailers. The product is primarily sold at the grocery and mass merchant retail level and achieves consumer awareness and sales through regular in-store and advertised retail promotions.

Wal-Mart Canada is a key national account for the brand. Due to unforeseen issues leading up to the Back to School time frame that caused the brand to not be included in Wal-Mart’s advertising plans, something different needed to be implemented in order to continue reaching sales and profit targets for the brand at Wal-Mart.

After analyzing the situation, an innovative Children’s Miracle Network “charitable event” promotion for the brand was conceived and pitched to Wal-Mart Canada as an alternative to a “typical” back to school promotion. The program would raise funds for the CMN, a key Wal-Mart supported charity, deliver strong sales for Wal-Mart Canada, and keep the Little Debbie brand front and center at store level in the eyes of the consumer. It was designed so that the more product sold, the more funds raised. Wal-Mart was amenable to the idea, and extremely engaged in ensuring a successful program. A win-win-win situation for all parties.

The initial program was a great success, so good that it is now in its second decade running. It increased sales, brand awareness, and corporate image, turned the consumer into a repeat purchaser, and assisted with treatment of seriously ill children at CMN hospitals across Canada. It strengthened the Wal-Mart/McKee corporate relationship throughout all levels. The program has raised funds into the six figures to date and is an annual event.